NEXT TALK: Next talk 31st of October, 7pm - Sesonal mood disorders
Cittie Of Yorke, 22 High Holborn, WC1V 6BN
Unlocking the secrets behind regenerative medicine.
BIRAX and the British Council bring together world leaders at the cutting edge of stem cell science in Britain and in Israel! They will also kindly provide one free drink per person and free food for the evening!
Regenerative medicine is a field of great promise and great trepidation. By unlocking the secrets of stem cells, scientists hope to be able to repair damaged tissues and organs in the body and thus fight some of the world’s most insidious diseases. Similarly, regenerative medicine empowers scientists to grow tissues and organs in the laboratory and has the potential to solve the growing organ shortage, one of the major health crises of our time. Stem cell science isn’t all promise and potential, of course. Ethical, social and scientific questions abound, and our panellists will discuss their work in these contexts as well as giving a rare window into this cutting-edge field.
Our panel of scientists:
· Dr Yaacov Nahmias (Hebrew University of Jerusalem).
· Dr Holger Gerhardt (London Research Institute – Cancer Research UK).
· Prof Anne Cooke (University of Cambridge).
· Prof Yuval Dor (Hebrew University of Jerusalem).
· Prof Kevin Shakesheff (University of Nottingham).