NEXT TALK: Next talk 31st of October, 7pm - Sesonal mood disorders
Cittie Of Yorke, 22 High Holborn, WC1V 6BN
Is It Worth Doing Science?
What is Science? Not at least with all the budget cuts that are expected to come, there is a renewed discussion about how the public should prioritise its spending. One of the stakeholders in this political game is science. Our Universities and research organisations need money, not only to educate students but also to do science. Yet, doing science is expensive. The question is whether it is also worth doing. Before this question can be answered it would be helpful to be able to understand what science actually is. In this talk I will provide some initial suggestions which will then start a debate.
Dr. Dominique Chu has a degree in theoretical physics from the University of Vienna and a Dr. scient. from the University of Bergen in Norway. He is currently an academic based at the University of Kent, researching in the area of computational biology. However, ever since his days in graduate school he has maintained an active interest in philosophy of science and still publish in this field. You can find his books here:
And his website here: