NEXT TALK: Next talk 31st of October, 7pm - Sesonal mood disorders
Cittie Of Yorke, 22 High Holborn, WC1V 6BN
How to find a meteorite
The outer space and everything associated with it has fascinated the mankind ever since the ancient times. Czech geologist and geophysicist Günther Kletetschka, who investigated the fallen meteorite found in Russia last year, will speak about meteorites, his work at NASA and other extraterrestrial things. The lecture will be introduced by an extract from the film ‘Wonders of the Universe: Stardust’ and followed by an open discussion with the audience.
Dr. Günther Kletetschka worked amongst others in NASA, Charles University in Prague, Catholic University of America, National Research Council of USA and Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. He teaches geophysics courses and publishes in many scientific journals (Nature, Nature Geoscience, Rejuvenation Research, PNAS, and many others). He is interested in popularization of science.