NEXT TALK: Next talk 31st of October, 7pm - Sesonal mood disorders
Cittie Of Yorke, 22 High Holborn, WC1V 6BN
Can you empathise with a psychopath?
Tuesday, 27th of October 2015
When we think about psychopaths, it's likely that our thinking is shaped by what we've seen in films and in the media. Is our common conception of psychopaths helpful? Is it scientific? I want to explore what psychopathy really means; for individuals we call psychopaths, and for their victims. We will use research on the development of psychopathy, brain imaging and behavioural studies to better understand what it's like to be 'a psychopath', and we will discuss how we can use what we know to build more effective interventions.
Alice Jones is the Director of the Unit of School and Family studies at Goldsmiths. She gained her PhD from the Institute of Psychiatry in 2008, where she focused on emotion processing and empathy in children with early psychopathic traits. Alice started working with children with social, emotion and behavioural problems during her own school work experience, and now most of Alice's work happens with schools. She is particularly interested in better understanding the emotional world of students who have been excluded from school, or are at risk of academic and social exclusion.

Solution of the game:
2) SAW
Bonus: Jodie Foster played in the Silence of the lambs